Richard Dawkins does not represent me

Apparently the world has nothing uplifting to report today. I would like everyone to know that articles like this and the people represented therein are the reason the world is afraid of Atheists. I would like to point out, as an Atheist myself, that Richard Dawkins in no way represents my voice. Every article that I read about Atheism quotes him as if he were the pope of the Atheist community — as if he were the expert or the voice of all non-believers. I did not elect him, and if given the chance I would not do so. Richard Dawkins is waging a crusade against Christianity (and Christianity alone), which I find offensive and irresponsible.

In my day to day life, I don’t tell people I’m an atheist until they know enough about me that it won’t matter to them. I don’t feel particularly safe walking into a room full of people who I know to be a “certain type of Christian” because I have been proselytized by friends in the past. I know how it feels to feel uncomfortable sharing what you believe. But, that does not make it okay for atheists to do the same thing to Christians.

The group of students discussed in the article make me hope that no one will read that article, because it terrifies me to think that Atheists are capable of making the same mistakes that many religions have made in the past — to find themselves superior to those around them.

To call someone else’s beliefs ‘silly’ or to suggest to children that their religion is morally bankrupt is only promoting intolerance. If you believe that someone is spreading hate by saying that homosexuality is a sin, then speak out about gay rights or freedom of religion — do not condemn their beliefs because your beliefs don’t fit with theirs. This group is only making the same mistakes that they are arguing against.

This world would be a much better place if the members of any world view would simply practice their faith on their own terms, and allow others to do the same. That includes atheists, who are at no risk of being ‘wiped out’ if we keep to ourselves and fight for causes worth fighting for — not putting down other faiths. And Richard Dawkins has been specifically targeting Christians his entire career — he does not talk about other religions, but only concerns himself with making all Christians to appear similarly evil.

Richard Dawkins is wrong. Some of my closest friends are Christians, Jews, and Muslims — and they show more love and humanity than he seems to be capable of. They have accepted me with open arms, and the rest of the world is capable of that too.